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  1.  Hybrid drying system and drying method using the same (No. 1021264620000), 06.18, 2020

  2. Apparatus for Producing Solid Fuel of Hydrothermal Carbonization Production and Method Thereof (No. 1019383700000), 2019.05.08

  3. System and method for recycling organic waste in corporation with bio-cell using landfill of waste (No. 1018953470000), 2019. 01.08

  4. Method for Recycling and Combined Treatment of Waste Resources of City (No. 1020180089048), 08.08, 2018.

  5.  Organic Waste Treatment System and Organic Waste Treatment Method using Subcritical Water Pretreatment (No. 1015160120000), April 2015


  1. Engineering Applications of Biochar. InTech. 2017. (Chapter 3: Conversion of Municipal Solid Wastes into Biochar through Hydrothermal Carbonization

  2. Thermochemical Waste Treatment: Combustion, Gasification, and Other Methodologies. CRC Press, 2016.(Chapter 13: Hydrothermal Upgrading of Korean MSW for Solid Fuel Production: Effect of MSW Composition)


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​ 201,Daegudae-ro, jilyang-eup, Gyeongsan-si, Gyoeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Engineering University Buiding NO. 6   Room 6511A

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