Domestic Journal
J.I. Lee, Daegi Kim, D.Y. Kim, “ The Effects of Green-Park on Surface Wind in Urban Area”, J. of the Korean Society for Environmental Technology 22(6),313-320 (December, 2022)
J.I. Lee, Daegi Kim, D.Y. Kim, “ Evaluation of Wind Environment in Urban Canyons by Density of Buildings”, J. of the Korean Society for Environmental Technology 23(4),203-212 (August, 2022)
J.I. Lee, D.Y. Kim, Daegi Kim, “Sensitivity Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Resolutions in Sunshine Modeling”, J. of the Korean Society for Environmental Technology 22(6),414-421 (December, 2021)
E.S. Jang, K. Lee, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author), “Characteristic of the medical waste for solid fuel by the hydrothermal treatment”, Journal of Thermal Environment & Engineering 16(2), 9-18 (December, 2021)
Eun-Suk Jang, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author), “The Improvement of Fuel Properties and Hydrophobicity of Livestock Manure by the Hydrothermal Carbonization”, J. Korea Soc. Waste Manag., 38(5), 405-411 (October, 2021)
Daegi Kim, D.-Y. Kim, “An Investigation Study on Downscaling Methods of Climate Model Data”, Journal of the Korean Society of Urban Environment 21(1), 1-11 (March, 2021)
Daegi Kim, D.-Y. Kim, “Characteristics and Biogas Production Potential of Food Wastes in Mokpo City”, J. of Korean Society of Environmental Technology 21(4), 307-312 (August, 2020)
C.-J. Jeong, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author). Feasibility evaluation of food waste compost for use as fuel by mixing with coffee residue, J. of Thermal Environmental & Engineers, 15(1), 46-53 (July, 2020)
D.-Y. Kim, C.-J. Jeong, ·E.-S. Jang, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author). “Salt Removal Behavior of Coastal Wastes by using Physical Treatment”, J. Korea Soc. Waste Manag.36(6), pp. 543-548 (September 2019)
Daegi Kim, D.-Y. Kim, “A Study on Evaluation of Fuel Properties for Combustible Coastal Wastes”, J. of Korean Society of Environmental Technology 19(3), 249-255 (June, 2018)
J.-H. Kim, C.-G. Kim, Daegi Kim, G.-S. Yoo, I.-S. Kim “A study on the factors that should be considered for improving NOx emission reduction in the SCR systems of passenger diesel engines, J. of Korean Society of Environmental Technology 18(5), 410-422, (2017)
H.Song, S.-Y. Park, Daegi Kim, J.-W. Lee “Analysis on the Ventilation Performance by Roof Window Structures of Single-span Greenhouse”, J. of Korean Society of Environmental Technology 18(4), 382-390 (2017)
Daegi Kim, C.-J. Jeong, H.Song, D.-Y. Kim “The Characteristics of Solid Refuse Fuel Pelletizing of Coastal Waste and its Fuel Properties”, J. of Korean Society of Environmental Technology 18(4), 322-328 (2017)
. Daegi Kim, D.-Y. Kim, M. Son “A Study on Physicochemical Characteristics of Coastal Wastes in Island Areas”, J. of Korean Society of Environmental Technology 18(3), 259-266 (2017)'
. D. Oh, Daegi Kim, H.W. Song, H. Kim, K.Y. Park “ Lipid recovery to produce bio-diesel and fuel properties of extraction residue from wastewater sludge”, Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management 34(1), 56-62 (2017)
Daegi Kim, S. K. Han, E. S. Jang, S. Park, H. Kim, G. B. Lee “ The Study on Scale-up of Hydrothermal Carbonization to Produce Solid Recovered Fuel from Sewage Sludge and Energy recovery”, Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management 33(7), 683-690 (2016)
Daegi Kim, K.Y. Lee, K.Y. Park. “Hydrothermal Carbonization of Sewage Sludge for Solid Recovered Fuel and Energy recovery”, Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater 29(1), 57-63 (2015)
K.Lee, C. Phrompol, Daegi Kim, J. J. Park, J.S. Choi, K.Y. Park. “Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste leachate with microalgae for improvement of methane production”, Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater 28(1), 55-60 (2014)
Il-Hyen Chung, Daegi Kim, Jang-Ho Chea, “The Study on Possibility of RDF by Analysis of Physicochemical Characteristics of MSW by the Size Distribution”, Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management 26(7) (2009)