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International Journal

  1.  D.Y. Oh, Daegi Kim(co-first Author), H. Choi, K.Y. Park, “Syngas generation from different types of sewage sludge using microwave-assisted pyrolysis with silicon carbide as absorbent.” Under review to Heliyon (January, 2023)

  2. Lee, J., Ryu, D. Y., Jang, K. H., Lee, J. W., Daegi Kim(Corresponding Author). Influence of Different Pretreatment Methods and Conditions on the Anaerobic Digestion Efficiency of Spent Mushroom Substrate. Sustainability, 14(23), 15854. (November 2022)

  3.  Ryu, D., Lee, J., Kim, D., Jang, K., Lee, J., Daegi Kim(Corresponding Author). Enhancement of the Biofuel Characteristics of Empty Fruit Bunches through Hydrothermal Carbonization by Decreasing the Inorganic Matters. Energies, 15(21), 8154. (November 2022)

  4. E.-S. Jang, D.-Y. Ryu, Daegi Kim(Corresponding Author),“ Hydrothermal carbonization improves the quality of biochar derived from livestock manure by removing inorganic matter.” Chemosphere 305, 135391 (October 2022)

  5. M. Son, J.‐I. Lee, J.‐J. Kim, S.‐J. Park, Daegi Kim, D.‐Y. Kim,“Evaluation of the Wind Environment around Multiple Urban Canyons Using Numerical Modeling”. Atmosphere, 13, 834. (May, 2022)

  6. Daegi Kim, G. Kim, D.Y. Oh, K.W. Seong, K.Y. Park,“ Enhanced hydrogen production from anaerobically digested sludge using microwave assisted pyrolysis. Fuel, 314, 123091. (April, 2022)

  7. Daegi Kim, S. Lee, M. Park, K. Lee¸ D.-Y. Kim,“ Designing of reverse vending machine to improve its sorting efficiency for recyclable materials for its application in convenience stores”, Accepted to Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (JA&WMA) (29 May, 2021)

  8. J. Lee, S. Cho, Daegi Kim, J.H. Ryu, K. Lee, H.Chung, K.Y. Park, “Conversion of slaughterhouse wastes to solid fuel using hydrothermal carbonization”, Energies 14(6), 1768 (March, 2021)

  9. Daegi Kim, G. Kim, Y. Park, J. Park, K.Y. Park,“ Enhanced hydrogen production from microwave assisted pyrolysis of anaerobically digested sludge”, submitted to Renewable Energy (under review, January 2021)

  10. J. Lee, O.K. Choi, D. Oh, K. Lee, K.Y. Park, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author). “Stimulation of Lipid Extraction Efficiency from Sewage Sludge for Biodiesel Production through Hydrothermal Pretreatment”, Energies 13(23), 6392 (December 2020)

  11.  J. Yoon, D.-Y. Kim, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author). “Numerical analysis of the effect of the suction mode in the wind force sorting of a mobile coastal debris treatment system”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 22 (1), 97–110 (January , 2020)

  12. K.J. Min, D. Kim, J. Lee, K. Lee, K.Y. Park, Characteristics of vegetable crop cultivation and nutrient releasing with struvite as a slow-release fertilizer. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 34332–34344 (December 2019)

  13. E.-S. Jang, E. Song, M.Z. Siddiqui, S.J. Lim, G.H. Shin, Y.-M. Kim, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author). “The effect of seawater aging on the pyrolysis of fishing nets”, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 156, 105160 (June 2019)

  14. E. Song, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author),C.-J. Jeong, D.-Y. Kim,. “A kinetic study on combustible coastal debris pyrolysis via thermogravimetric analysis”, Energies 12(5), 836 (March 2019)

  15. S.K. Yang, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author), S.K. Han, H. Kim, S. Park. “Hydrothermal carbonization of organic residue from solid-state anaerobic digestion of livestock waste to produce the solid fuel”, Environmental Engineering Research 23(4), 456-461 (December 2018)

  16.  J. Yoon, D.-Y. Kim, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author). “ The numerical study on behavior of coastal waste particles in a wind power sorting system for renewable fuel production”, Waste Management 80, 387-396 (October 2018)

  17. K.Y. Park, K. Lee, Daegi Kim (Corresponding Author) “ Characterized hydrochar of algal biomass for producing solid fuel through hydrothermal carbonization”, Bioresource Technology 258, 119-124 (March 2018)

  18. S. Park, S. K. Han, D. Oh, Daegi Kim, H. Kim, Y. M. Yoon “ High-rate anaerobic digestion of thermally hydrolyzed wasted sludge (THWS) with high-strength ammonia”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 20(1), 516-524, (January, 2018)

  19. Daegi Kim, K. Lee, D. Bae, K.Y. Park. “Characterizations of Biochar from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Exhausted Coffee Residue”, Journal Material Cycles and Waste Management 19(3), 1136-1043 (July 2017)

  20. S. Park, Y.M. Yoon, S. K. Han, Daegi Kim, H. Kim. “Effect of hydrothermal pre-treatment (HTP) on poultry slaughterhouse waste (PSW) sludge for the enhancement of the solubilization, physical properties, and biogas production through anaerobic digestion”, Waste Management 64, 327-332 (June 2017)

  21. K. Lee, C. Phrompol, Daegi Kim, J.S. Kim, K.Y. Park. “Biogas Productivity of Algal Residues from Bioethanol Production”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 19(1), 235-240 (January, 2017)

  22. Daegi Kim, K. J. Min, K. Lee, M. S. Yu, K. Y. Park. “Effects of pH, molar ratios and pre-treatment on phosphorus recovery through struvite crystallization from effluent of anaerobically digested swine wastewater”, Environmental Engineering Research (EER) 22(1), 12-18 (2017)

  23. Daegi Kim, K. Lee, K.Y. Park. “Upgrading the characteristics of biochar from cellulose, lignin, and xylan for solid biofuel production from biomass by hydrothermal carbonization”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 42, 95-100 (October 2016)

  24. K. Lee, Daegi Kim, K. Y. Park, H. Lee, C. Kim “Effect of hydrothermal pre-treatment for Enhanced Biogas Production Using Micro-Algal Biomass”, International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology 8(4), 67-76 (September 2016)

  25. Park, K. Y., Jang, H. M., Park, M. R., Lee, K., Kim, D., Kim, Y. M., “Combination of different substrates to improve anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge in a wastewater treatment plant”. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 109, 73-77 (2016)

  26. Y. M. Kim, H. M. Jang, K.g Lee, P. Chantrasakdakul, Daegi Kim, K.Y. Park. “Changes in bacterial and archaeal communities in anaerobic digesters treating different organic wastes”, Chemosphere 141, 134–137 (December, 2015)

  27. Daegi Kim, K. Yoshikawa, K.Y. Park. “Characteristics of biochar obtained by hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose for renewable energy”, Energies 8(12), 14040-14048 (December, 2015)

  28. Y.J. Kim, K. Lee, H.Y. Cha, K.M. Yoo, C.S. Jeon, H.J. Kim, Daegi Kim, K. Y. Park. “Electrolytic denitrification with ion exchange membrane in groundwater”, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply 15(6), 1320-1325 (July 2015, DOI: 10.2166/ws.2015.079)

  29. Jong Jin Park, Daegi Kim, Kwanyong Lee, Kyung Tae Lee, Ki Young Park. “Application of Food Waste Leachate to a Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator for Reduction of NOx Emission and Ammonia Water Consumption”, Environmental Engineering Research (EER) 20(2), 171-174 (June, 2015)

  30. Daegi Kim, K. Lee, K.Y. Park. “Enhancement of biogas production from anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge by hydrothermal pre-treatment”, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 101, 42-46 (2015)

  31. Daegi Kim, K. Yoshikawa, K. Lee, K.Y. Park. “Investigation of the combustion characteristics of municipal solid wastes and their hydrothermally treated products via thermogravimetric analysis”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 17(2), 258-265 (2015)

  32. P. Chantrasakdakul, K. Lee, Daegi Kim, S. Kim, K.Y. Park. “Enhancement of biogas production from anaerobic digestion of Chlorella vulgaris biomass by ultrasonic pretreatment”, Sustainable Environment Research 25(1), 11-17 (2015)

  33. W. Jutidamrongphan, K.Y. Park, K. Lee, Daegi Kim, B.R. Lim, J.W. Lee, “Effect of carbon dioxide injection on photosynthetic wastewater treatment using microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Euglena gracilis”, Desalination and Water Treatment 54(13), 3654-3660 (2015)

  34. Daegi Kim, K. Lee, K.Y. Park. “Hydrothermal carbonization of anaerobically digested sludge for solid fuel production and energy recovery”, Fuel 130, 120-125 (2014)

  35. K. Lee, P. Chantrasakdakul, Daegi Kim, M. Kong, K.Y. Park. “Ultrasound pretreatment of filamentous algal biomass for enhanced biogas production”, Waste Management 34(6), 1035-1040 (2014)

  36. K. Lee, P. Chantrasakdakul, Daegi Kim, H.S. Kim, K.Y. Park, “Evauation of Methane Production and Biomass Degradation in Anaerobic Co-digestion of Organic Residuals”, International Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences (IJBEES), Vol. 2(3), 57-59 (2013)

  37. Daegi Kim, P. Prawisudha, K. Yoshikawa, “Hydrothermal Upgrading of Korean MSW for Solid Fuel Production: Effect of MSW Composition”, Journal of Combustion, Volume 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/781659 (2012)


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